Tirol Professionalul. “Mayor Pavel Pavlov” 61404 Manastirski LivadiSofia, BulgariaPhone:+359-2 862 55 66
SAGUAROGisselfeldvej 14,2665 Vallenbaekstrand Strand, DenmarkPhone:+45 3644 5339
EltermoMõisavahe 34,50708 Tartu, EstoniaPhone:+372-5656 8268
Food Equipment Marketing GmBhFuchswaldeweg 37,77654 Offenburg, GermanyPhone: (+49 ) 781 32077
Contact person: Jens Herbert
GASZTRO KONYHAKörösi út 945000 Szolnok, HungaryPhone:(+36) 70 386 6929
Contact person: Karcsai Sándor
Mareno Ali Group srlVia Conti Agosti, 23131010 Mareno di Piave (TV), ItalyPhone: (+39 ) 0438 4981
Contact person: Raimondo Tonellato
Vitrum GroupAstras str. 3A, Riga, LV-1084Phone:+371-67802384
TecPrestigeZona Industrial do CamporêsRua Azul – Lote 73240-509 AnsiãoA – PORTUGALPhone:+351 934 976 518
Horecons Profesional SRLCraiova, strada Opanez, nr. 24 APhone:+40-773825061
Carol Ann Marshallinfo@cuisinequip.comMob: 07845 651407
Account Manager: North East, North West, East Midlands, East Anglia, North Wales & The Channel Islands
Jonathan Bartlettinfo@cuisinequip.comMob: 07808 548241
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Philip Sandersoninfo@cuisinequip.comMob: +44 (0) 7776 233467
Account Manager: West Midlands, South Wales, South West
Gareth Thomas
Mob: 07719 071272